In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory
Isaac Daven Grove 10/11/06 ~ 07/04/07

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

So Tired of The Drama!

I'm so sick, and tired of all the drama! My boyfriends' drivers license is suspended til Aug 5th, 2011. So, we've been having a friend of ours drive him to work, and pick him up. Everything's all good for a moment; 'til last night! Shawn ( my BF ) calls to let me know he'll be ready to come home in 20 min. As soon as I get off the phone with him a text comes through on my phone from our "friend" asking if he'd called yet. I grab my things, and head downstairs; ready to go. I knock on her door, call her name, and knock again. No response from her at all! So, I'm like fuck it! I'll go get him! I'm half way to his work when she texts me again. I don't even look at my phone, or pick it up. " I'm Driving; Hello!!!!!" LOL.  Anywho, I get Shawn from work, and I check my texts when we got home. The text I recieved from my very opinionated friend is: "I'm sick of your shit you can tak him from now on." 
 Ok, I don't know how I should approach her on this! I'm pissed cause we've done alot for her, and never done her wrong. I know I've done wrong in my past, but I've been minding my P's&Q's for a while now, and only putting out what I want given back. If ya know what I mean.  That outburst from her was totally uncalled for. What should I do? I would love to have your feedback on this! 

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